Periodontal Treatment



Advanced gum disease (also called periodontitis) affects nearly half of US adults. While the condition can be reversed early on, it can eventually cause tooth loss. If you notice that your gums bleed often or have become sensitive, swollen, or if you experience persistent bad breath or a bad taste, call Whitewood Dental to schedule an appointment for periodontal treatment in North Dallas, TX.


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Did you know? Scaling and root planing, a deep cleaning, is one of the most effective ways to treat gum disease.

Scaling & Root Planing

The bacteria in your mouth can build up on the roots of your teeth below the gum line, where they're typically hidden from the scope of a typical dental cleaning. Treating gum disease means getting rid of this oral bacteria no matter where it’s hiding, which is where scaling and root planing come in. Scaling is the process of removing the bacteria from the teeth while root planing gives the nearby gum tissue a smooth surface to reattach to.

Antibiotic Therapy

A single treatment isn't always enough to stop a gum infection. To continue treating your periodontitis, we may prescribe antibiotic therapy as needed. This includes pills, but it might also involve a medication applied directly to the space between the teeth and gums or in the pockets that gum disease tends to form. You'll likely need to undergo antibiotic therapy for weeks before the infection has been treated.


Depending on the severity of your periodontitis, you may need a deep dental clean at least twice a year. Most patients visit our dentist for a scaling and root planing treatment every three to six months.

After your procedure, it’s crucial to wait until the numbing fades before eating a meal. Don’t consume crunchy, stiff, or acidic foods for a few days. It will dissolve within three to five days if you get mild discomfort. You may gargle warm salt water to reduce mild aches. After your deep dental cleaning treatment, your teeth might become sensitive to cold temperatures and sweets. Brush your teeth gently to prevent bleeding. If certain areas of your mouth continue to bleed, use a gauze compress for relief. Get immediate dental care if your gums continue to bleed for 48 hours. Don’t smoke for at least one week because it delays the recovery of your teeth. Most patients recover in 3-5 days.

Antibiotics heal a tooth infection within 7-10 days. You’ll notice improvements within 2-3 days. The condition starts to recover the same day you take the antibiotic gradually.

Scaling dissolves plaque and tartar from below the gumline. The hardened plaque is cleaned from the bottom of the gum pocket. The dentist begins root planning after all the tartar and plaque are scraped from above and below the gums. During root planing, your teeth’ roots are smoothed to help your gums reattach to your teeth. Scaling and root planing may need follow-up treatments for optimal results.


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